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Google Analytics Tracking for Your TourDesk Sales Portal

Track your TourDesk marketing efforts through your Google Analytics account

Staff Hjortur

Hjörtur Atli Guðmundsson


Stephen Phillips Hostreviews Co Uk Shr Xn8s8qu Unsplash

New Feature: Google Analytics

We have just implemented a new feature that will give you added visibility for your sales portal/s. You can now add your own Google Analytics code to your TourDesk Sales Portal that will track all the visits to your site as well as the sales made from those visits.

This can be especially helpful when you want to track how your marketing efforts are coming along. Like your Facebook links/ads, links from your homepage, email marketing or Google ads. Here is a link to a site that helps you setup campaign urls.

How to enter my Google Analytics id

In TourDesk Agent you'll need to go to Portal > {Your Location Name} > Analytics Tracking. Under the section Google Analytics you'll enter your new Google Analytics Property Id (like: UA-123456789-1). Scroll down and click Save Tracking. Shortly you'll start receiving analytics information from TourDesk into your own Google Analytics. Be aware that you'll need a minimum of Lobby Administrator privileges to access this feature.

If you need any help or have some questions about this feature please don't hesitate to contact our support at info@tourdesk.io or the support phone number in your Agent.
